These fiction and nonfiction Audiobooks are recorded by Cathy Burnham Martin. Some are authored by Cathy; most are from other authors, but voiced by Cathy. You can find these Audiobooks, plus sample recordings from each on sites like, Amazon and iTunes. Or simply “click” on the titles or covers to directly link to purchase or get more information on that title.
A Dangerous Book for Dogs: Train Your Humans with the Bandit Method Author: Bandit (with Cathy Burnham Martin) Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinEat this book! Bury it, hide it, or give it to another favorite canine pal, but A Dangerous Book for Dogs should not be allowed to fall into the paws of humans. Do not reveal all the goodies that Bandit, a fabulous Furever dog, has compiled for your eyes only.
Here it is, the definitive collection of training tips, human behavior modification techniques, and super secrets to better living all from his own experiences and those of his buddies. It is all here to make your human healthier and happier. This fast listen zooms you to the top at making your humans the best on the block, with improvement ideas to make them better at napping, playing, giving you goodies, and more.
You will learn why humans are so doggone tough to understand sometimes and how to deal with the name game. The secrets are revealed. You will have no more guessing about how to get the instant belly rub or toy or doors opened and closed on your command. Also within this scrumptious book are plenty of delightful stories, illustrating how we dogs are more adept at many skills, such as experiencing changes, being kind and loyal, and loving unconditionally. Get ready for fun, fur, and frivolous giggles.
Plus Bandit includes four bonus treats. They include: food and treat safety, more secrets to happiness, great resources, and careers for dog lovers. Bandit says you deserve these bonus goodies because you have been so good!
Encouragement: How to Be and Find the Best
Author & Narrator: Cathy Burnham Martin
In her straight-forward, comfortable, and empowering style, the author addresses common challenges with uncommonly easy solutions. The 4-hour Audiobook comes packed with life-changing, positive approaches to unlock the power within each of us to master great living skills and achieve dreams. “Encouragement: How to Be and Find the Best” delivers plenty of Super Simple steps to become and surround ourselves with Morale Boosters Extraordinaire! This title is also available in Paperback and Digital formats.
The Hormone Fix: Naturally Rebalance Your System in 10 Weeks Author: Dr. Julius Herrera Narrator: Cathy Burnham Martin4-Hour book offers understanding plus a 10-week natural approach to getting your body back in balance, physically and emotionally. It is NOT all in your head! With hormonal imbalance impacting more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined, THIS book is long overdue. Perfect for anyone who is suffering or has suffered from the symptoms of depression, PMS, or even menopause. Turn the “time of the month” or the “time of your life” into a celebration of health and sanity. (And it’s free with an Audible trial!)
Fat Loss Tips Author: V. Noot Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinBook 3 in a 7-part series, features fat loss eating tips and meal recipes. The focus is recognizing good and bad eating, finding your ideal weight, and eating your way there! Yes, healthy eating can be delicious… even snacking. This easy-listening book also includes habit-changing eating tips, facts about trans fats, carbohydrates and fiber, and delicious menus and recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
Universal Force: The Law of Attraction Author: Ishan Rami Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinWe all live in a world that we fill up with our dreams and goals. When we are young we believe everything is possible, there are no limits to the dreams and goals we have or what we feel we are able to achieve.
As we get older, often dreams and goals become more adapted to the “realities” of life and we begin to develop a more “realistic” consciousness, and thus develop what we believe to be more realistic goals. Many believe that this is normal – the longer you live, the more experience and knowledge you collect, and the narrower your frame of possibility becomes.
Many would-be advisers caution others not to think too highly of themselves, or not to carry too lofty of a goal for fear of failure. While still others fear being ostracized for daring to think outside the box.
This program will teach you to remove society’s limitations and open yourself to new paradigms and ways of thinking. It will introduce you to the real you, the one filled with unlimited potential. It will teach you to remove your reality straitjacket and move and think freely – without limits!
You will learn how to control your subconscious to create new dreams – both big and small. You will learn how to manifest those dreams into reality on a daily basis and how to control your thoughts and limit the negative thinking forced upon you by society.
You’ll discover how to improve relationships, lose weight, attract success and happiness, gain wealth and sense of worth, unleash your creative genius, reach important life goals, and clearly define what you want most in life!
The Bimbo Has Brains… and Other Freaky Facts Author: Cathy Burnham Martin Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinThe Bimbo Has Brains bursts with facts, fiction, and fun. Not a run-of-the-mill relationship book, Cathy Burnham Martin delves into the sassy sides of our human nature to reveal why some relationships remain unfulfilling while others blossom and become ultimately satisfying. Her recipes for success flow tastefully, packed with hard truths, while seasoned with plenty of humor. A long-time journalist and corporate communications geek, Martin skillfully unravels stereotypes while relating her own experience and vulnerabilities along the personal growth trail. To help you succeed in your loving relationship, intimate, and often painful, relationship realities are shared, complete with foibles told from both parties’ perspectives. Many names, places, and dates have been changed to protect the guilty…and the innocent. Many highlights in The Bimbo Has Brains go well beyond “he said-she said”.
You’ll learn how to avoid what Martin has dubbed as the “stresspools” of life. You’ll also see the importance of striving for true intimacy on several levels, with the goal of earning the Intimacy High Five. Immediately usable tips range from understanding the big and little differences in age, sexuality, empathy, and communication.
Healthy Thinking Habits: Seven Attitude Skills Simplified Author: Cathy Burnham Martin Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinMost of us go through times of doubt in our lives, when we don’t think we can do anything right. Having grown up with one of the worst possible attitudes and inner turmoil, the author successfully evolved into an extraordinarily positive adult. Initially featured in work along with Deepak Chopra and Billy Blanks, Cathy Burnham Martin’s Healthy Thinking Habits are finally available on their own. SASS, the acronym for Seven Attitude Skills Simplified, directly impacts our quality of life in a superb way. In this info-packed, fast read, she serves up the seven skills as vital P vitamins to help you power start each day. Relish the empowerment, planning, perspective, positive actions, persistency, poise, and passion. You also get the 10 Confidence Commandments that help you get the most out of your physical strength, initiative, character, knowledge, commitment, steadiness, teamwork, expectation, perseverance, and sportsmanship.
31 Days to a Stronger Marriage Author: Dr. Simon Creek Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinDoes love fade with age? Should couples drift apart as the years go on? Is there a way to assure that your marriage doesn’t fall victim to the highly rising national statistics on divorce?
Dr. Simon Creek presents his nationally known 31 Days to a Stronger Marriage program now for the first time.
Inside you’ll learn:
- The secrets to building open communication between yourself and your loved one as well as every member of your family.
- The triggers that spark deep negative emotional feelings and how to keep them from tearing your relationship apart
- How to develop relationship empathy
- How to thrive as a couple yet allow for individuality
- How to settle arguments without losing control
- The secrets used by couples in long-lasting relationships and what they can teach you
- As well as the one thing every couple should make time for.
- And much, much more.

This new Audiobook takes the listener on an exploration of the past, the present, and the future, and probes the mysteries of who we really are and where we have come from, as well as where we will go to next. Are you currently living the best life possible? Can you even imagine it or would you even know if you know if you were? If you are struggling or suffering, the solutions to heal are already within you and, with guidance from this program, many of those answers can be found.
This self-development audiobook is packed with Love Wisdoms. The 3-hour, 10-minute, unabridged edition reflects both scientific and philosophical approaches to understanding relationships. Dealing with both friendships and love, Delilah Sweeney delivers a holistic approach to assimilative and integrative consciousness. While not written in simplistic, common concepts, her highly intellectual and philosophical explanations deal with grasping our successes and failures at establishing and maintaining human connections, our poise and homeostasis, and detailed reflections on the dualism and non-dualism of love.
Jesus Saved My Baby’s Life Author: Retha J. Shortridge Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinThis memoir travels through some of the most celebrated and most challenging moments the author’s life. She openly shares her faith in times of difficulty, dreams and warnings, and memories of family and loved ones. The narration reflects the times of calm, concern, and emotion… throughout the author’s strong religious faith.
Daniel’s Fork Author: Zeecé Lugo Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinWill Evers, new lord of Daniel’s Fork, detests the village ‘witch,’ as he calls Setiyah, the healer. She has declared him the ‘wrong man for the job,’ quickly becoming the thorn in his side. When spurned suitor Alex Neville swears to the lovely Susanna, “They’ll keep on dying. I can wait forever,” she knows he is pronouncing a death sentence on every lover she’ll ever have. It’s no wonder that when the dashing and powerful new lord shows admiration for the beautiful girl, she sees him as the answer to her prayers: a man not easily killed. Drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse, Evers soon realizes the magnitude of the cunning evil he faces. Set in a future where our technology has disappeared, and humanity lives once again by the light of torch and hearth, this post-apocalyptic, mystery thriller is a genre bender. This edition, narrated by Cathy Burnham Martin, captures author Zeecé Lugo’s light, flowing prose, blending humor, eroticism, mystery, romance, and science fiction into one highly entertaining story.
Citadels of Fire – Kremlins 1 Author: L.K. Hill Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinIn a world where danger hides in plain sight and no one aspires to more than what they were born to, Inga must find the courage to break the oppressive chains she’s been bound with since birth.
Even as a maid in the infamous Kremlin, life in 16th-century Russia is bleak and treacherous. That is, until Taras arrives. Convinced that his mother’s death when he was a boy was no mere accident, he returned from England to discover what really happened. While there, he gains favor from the Tsar later known as Ivan the Terrible, the most brutal and notorious ruler ever to sit upon the throne of Russia.
Up against the social confines of the time, the shadowy conspiracies that cloak their history, and the sexual politics of the Russian Imperial court, Inga and Taras must discover their past, plan for their future and survive the brutality that permeates life within the four walls that tower over them all, or they may end up like so many citizens of ancient Russia: nothing but flesh and bone mortar for the stones of the Kremlin wall.
The Relentless Brit Author: Sarina Rose Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinMarie Gentile is a young widow investigating divorce cases in her brother’s law office. She longs for adventure and the chance to work on criminal cases.
Be careful what you wish for, as Charles Stanhope enters the picture. The handsome, strong, British secret agent, married to “ending Hitler’s war,” rocks her world… and her future.
What better to fill a romance novel than sweet seduction, bitter betrayal, spies and espionage, love at first sight, sizzling sex, horrors of war, reality of history, and heroic heartbreak? The narration brings the author’s uncompromising characters to life as conflict sets the pace and relentless love tries to rule the day.
Baby & Meow Author: Retha Shortridge Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinWhimsical describes this delightfully animated children’s story, by Retha Shortridge. A family of pets, including several dogs, a cat, and a rabbit romp through one adventure (and misadventure) after another. Narrated with a wide variety of vocal intonations, reflecting dozens of animal characters, this fast gallop, lasting less than 2-and-a-half hours, also carries subtle lessons on life. (Ages 5-7)
Haunted House Author: Joan Shortridge Narrator: Cathy Burnham MartinThis mystery is fiction but revolves around the author’s real-life religious background. Featuring both frightening and comical overtones, the Short family is terrorized by what seems to be a ghost in the 100-year-old house they have bought. The paranormal grows, a child becomes possessed, and violence spreads. Fear and distrust grips the family and church, determined to solve the mystery. (Not young children)