Category Archives: Write Again!

In the Doghouse?

  We all need a little forgiveness now and then. So, today is the day…. National Get Out of the Doghouse Day. Own up. Apologize. And enjoy the “free pass.”

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Global Forgiveness Day

On Global Forgiveness Day, we are all encouraged to let anger and resentment go. No one says this is ever easy. However, it is vitally important. We need not forget, but we need to forgive. Each of us deserves the … Continue reading

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National Hawaii Day

On July 5th we celebrate the heritage, achievements, and beauty of Hawai’i, the 50th state to join the U.S. in 1959.       Built by volcanoes, at 1,523 miles long, the Hawaiian Islands archipelago is the longest island chain … Continue reading

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American Eagle Day

When we see an eagle in flight, we stop whatever we are doing and simply watch. Our most recognizable national symbol, eagles remain mesmerizing.    

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Flag Waving

This week, National Flag Week in the USA, is a time to pause and recognize the greatness of this nation and its people. The 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies, and the 50 stars represent the 50 states. The … Continue reading

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Global Love Day

  On the first of May, we celebrate Global Love Day. Ah, yes. We all know that we deeply need a whole lot more love, locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. Peace be with you.

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Ahhh, Intimacy

  “To share intimacy with someone, maintain kindness and respect. Skip all snarling (a.k.a. bitching, whining, and order barking.) Duh!” — Cathy Burnham Martin Author, voiceover artist & dedicated foodie

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It’s Pageant Week in New Hampshire

Nervous, enthusiastic, and accomplished young women compete tonight in the finals for the title of Miss New Hampshire 2024. As so many of my “Forever Miss New Hampshire” sisters have done during this Pageant Week, I now share a pic … Continue reading

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Freedom Is Not Free

When I wrote the “Destiny” historical fiction trilogy that tells my Armenian family’s story, I had no idea that the religious intolerance and violence themes would be emerging again. Yet, they have. Not just in the Middle East region, but … Continue reading

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Spring Ahead!

I love Spring! And in the mountains of North Carolina we enjoy 3 gorgeous months of Spring.     Of course, Mom Martin’s double camellia is in bloom, as are the daffodils.           Our weeping cherry … Continue reading

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The 33rd State

Joining the nation in 1859, Oregon became the 33rd state in the U.S. Since the discovery of a small, prehistoric stone knife in 2012, some archaeologists believe people have lived in the region for at least 15,000 years. Home to … Continue reading

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National Pig Day

With 675 million pigs in the world, on every continent except Antarctica, pigs earned their own special day. National Pig Day is not just to celebrate bacon, ribs, ham, and all the other goodies pigs deliver to help sustain humans. … Continue reading

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National Leap Year Day

True… a person turning 100 years old today only got to officially celebrate 25 birthdays.  This is also National Frog Legs Day. But, of course! A couple of silly one-liners seem in order. Sooooo…. What do athletes wear on Leap … Continue reading

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Encouragement Lives!

24 years ago today, I was on the eve of a Leap Year Day surgery. Following a diagnosis of Stage IV ovarian cancer, I was given 3 months to live. If I didn’t wake up from surgery in the hospice … Continue reading

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National Wisconsin Day

  Wisconsin became the 30th state of the union in 1848. Being shortly before the Civil War, people met in Ripon, Wisconsin to discuss stopping the spread of slavery, resulting in the creation of the Republican Party. The state then … Continue reading

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Optimist Day

When it comes to name calling, call me an optimist each and every day of the week, for I’d much rather be called an optimist than a pessimist. So, do I see the glass as half full or half empty. … Continue reading

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Things that make us say, “Hmmmm.”

  This aphorism would be seven words long if it were six words shorter.

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International Holocaust Remembrance Day

  January 27 is the day established by the United Nations in 2005 for all nations to remember the Holocaust committed by the Nazis.       From 1933 and 1945 they eliminated 6-million Jews, two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population … Continue reading

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National Florida Day

The Sunshine State became a US Territory in 1921, after falling under colonial rule by France, Spain, and Great Britain during the 18th and 19th centuries. Florida became our nation’s 27th state in 1845. Of course, Native Americans were living … Continue reading

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National Squirrel Appreciation Day

Whether you think squirrels are pests or fascinations, they are playful and agile rodents. Indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, they are indeed rodents, in the same family as chipmunks, woodchucks, prairie dogs, rats, mice, and beavers. However, they … Continue reading

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Ah, Politics!

We are not the first generation to witness a barrage of attacks on someone in politics with whom folks disagree.       “Before you give up hope, turn back and read the attacks that were made on Lincoln.” — … Continue reading

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National Classy Day

I like to reflect on people who grace the world with qualities that make it a better place. That said, I note that “classy” needs a touch of refinement, as we could be high or low class, just as the … Continue reading

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National Religious Freedom Day

“Ultimately, America’s answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.” — Robert F. Kennedy (1925 – 1968) American politician, US Senator, lawyer, and 64th US Attorney General Observed annually in … Continue reading

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National Hat Day

Observed since 1983, National Hat Day commemorates the day in 1797 when the first Top Hat made its appearance in court, inspiring the judge to proclaim the rather prominent hat disturbed the public. That did not dampen the hat’s popularity. … Continue reading

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National Arkansas Day

Joining the Union in 1836, Arkansas became the 35th State. The name Arkansas came from the Quapaw Indians, whom the French called the “Arkansaw.” In truth, the first people to live there arrived around 11,650 BC.     Much later … Continue reading

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Save the Eagles

  When we see an eagle soaring through the sky, we tend to stop whatever we were doing and just watch.     One of my most memorable moments came as stood in my own backyard in New Hampshire. With … Continue reading

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Well, thank you. Thank you very much.

Many music icons were gone too young, and Elvis Presley was one of them. He was born into a poor family in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8, 1935. His twin was delivered 35 minutes before him, stillborn. In 1946 for … Continue reading

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Fly, Baby! Fly!

  For National Bird Day, I thought we’d consider some favorites. I have always loved the long plumes of the peacock. (And, as a child trying to snag one of the loose and dangling tail feathers, I got scolded by … Continue reading

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Thank You!

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” — Doris Day (1922 – 2019) American actress & singer Today reminds me of the importance of living with an attitude of gratitude. Today and everyday I thank God for the richness with which … Continue reading

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World Children’s Day

“The theme for World Children’s Day 2023 is ‘For Every Child, Every Right!’ The day serves as a powerful reminder of the unwavering commitment to ensuring that all children, regardless of their background or circumstances, are afforded the opportunity to … Continue reading

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Loving Home

  “Love is easy, but if you want a daily happy home, be sure your beloved knows that you like them.” — Cathy Burnham Martin, author “The Bimbo Has Brain… and Other Freaky Facts”  Quiet Thunder Publishing, 2017

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World Kindness Day

In celebrating World Kindness Day, we are all fully aware of the ugliness in the “big picture.” But this day is an opportunity to apply a little tenderness in our homes, schools, or workplaces. The 2023 theme is “Be Kind … Continue reading

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Glorious Gratitude

Today I feel grateful for a great many things. I think I will choose to mention the 6 wonderful weeks of fall foliage that we have enjoyed. Now, as I look across our meadow, I still see glimpsed of the … Continue reading

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The Few! The Proud! The Marines!

Happy 248th Birthday to the Marines! On November 10, 1775, the US Marine Corps was officially established by the 2nd Continental Congress to strengthen naval forces during the Revolutionary War. Recruitment headquarters immediately opened in a popular spot… the Tun … Continue reading

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This Is World Freedom Day!

  November 9, 1989, is the day that the Berlin Wall, which separated East and West Berlin, was breached, ultimately leading to its demolition. An ABC news affiliate anchor at the time, I was honored to cover the events along … Continue reading

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Powerful, Heart Wrenching & Raw

Destiny of Daring: Never Forget has been blessed with another wonderful 5-star review! This comes from Mr. N at N.N. Light’s Book Heaven. “This is the book that was needed to complete the story of this Armenian family’s past, present … Continue reading

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Myths, Lies, and Other Lunacy

Following the 50-day military conflict in 2014 between Israel and Hamas, Professor Alan Johnson delivered a powerful speech entitled, “Six Myths About Hamas” to give the audience some historical context. He is a senior research fellow at the Britain Israel … Continue reading

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My New Book Launches Today!

When we open unknown doors, are we ready for what we may find on the other side? How do we bring harmony out of absolute chaos? Can we forgive after heinous atrocities? Questions we may find ourselves asking today, interestingly … Continue reading

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Escalate Not

I cannot help but note that one reprisal begets another… forevermore. The US warns Iran and its proxies to not assault us or else suffer the consequences. But Syria does anyway. Then they are angered that the US responds, as … Continue reading

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Advance Reviews for “Destiny of Daring”

Though a plethora of personal life issues had me running wayyyyy behind in finishing the 3rd book in my Destiny historical fiction trilogy, I was still able to zip a few advance copies out to some reviewers. I am beyond … Continue reading

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