Celebrate National White Wine Day!


“It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine…  it’s summertime!”

— Kenny Chesney (1968 – )
American singer & songwriter


To know me is to know that my white wine must be mega chilled (yup, and I add ice… lots of ice). It also must be crisp and dry, never buttery and most assuredly never oaky. Chardonnay grapes are delicious, but few winemakers age in stainless, rather than wooden barrels. Yum yum thanks to those who do! I started drinking white wine with mega sweet types, which no longer appeal to my taste buds. Give me a crisp, dry pinot grigio… or pinot gris… or sauvignon blanc any day. Of course, there are those that tell me that not having developed a taste for the “better” white wines, such as Chardonnay, screams that I have no class. I protest! 4th IS a class! (And, oh yes, I am known for tossing in a few frozen raspberries.)

About Cathy Burnham Martin

Author of 20+ books, and counting! A professional voice-over artist, dedicated foodie, and lifelong corporate communications geek, Cathy Burnham Martin has enjoyed a highly eclectic career, ranging from the arts and journalism to finance, telecommunications, and publishing. Along with her husband, Ron Martin, she has passions for entertaining, gardening, volunteering, active and visual arts, GREAT food, and traveling. Cathy often says, "I believe that we all should live with as much contagious enthusiasm as possible... Whether we're with friends or family, taking people along for the ride is more than half the fun."
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