Al, Bill, and Ron
“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
— Walter Winchell (1887 – 1972)
American columnist
We have digressed into a very disturbing and dangerous “cancel culture” in America. I get it. It is difficult to NOT cancel some folks who seem screamingly “off base”… aka not parallel with our beliefs of what is right and logical. We are all mere humans. Give yourself a break.

Jim Lurvey
Challenge: If you’ve ever hit the “Cancel” button on someone because they think differently than you do, let today be the day to become a real friend and reconnect.
If you have not canceled someone… or even if you have… celebrate a real friend today.

Jim & Janice
I celebrate James Lurvey on this day. He has been a real friend for many years, along with his beloved Janice for the past 11 years. AND today is his birthday! Happy Birthday, Jim!