Traveling, for me, is much about absorbing the culture, the people, the lifestyle, and the rhythm of the area. Food is paramount for this dedicated foodie. For many years, I simply have said that I travel on my taste buds.
I have not been around the world, by any means. However, I have been privileged to visit a wide variety of places and cultures. Articles in this category will reflect travels, naturally highlighted by great foods, delightful restaurant “discoveries,” goodies to gobble up if you go there, and recipes to replicate the yummy flavors found.
My Taste Bud Travels range from most of the states in the USA to Denmark, Russia, Mexico, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Israel, France, Turkey, Spain, Costa Rica, Croatia, England, Honduras, Argentina, Panama, Canada, Uruguay, Monaco, Colombia, Malta, Brazil, and a variety of Caribbean Islands. I love to travel. My passion is good food… and sharing where my Taste Bud Travels take me.
Naturally, I will include a few travel highlights, but great food remains the centerpiece. I will look forward to your feedback, too, so feel free to share great spots you’ve “discovered” along the Taste Bud Trail.
You can catch a lot of our original recipes in various cookbooks from Quiet Thunder Publishing. Enjoy… with love and laughter.
this post is very usefull thx!
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Yes, but I used the Word Press templates. Try them out!
All of these are incredible. I really need to get my money up (and my artists up, ha) to get my traveling game back up in the next couple years. Went to Europe in high school, and I really enjoyed it. Glad you found some engaging material on your travels. I know it’s great inspiration for your own art as well.
It was an awe-inspiring post and it has a significant meaning and thanks for sharing the information. Would love to read your next post too……