Life deals us some mighty strange cards from time to time. Sometimes “bad hands” all seem to land at the same time. Yes, for me, too. The pandemic lockdown, the death of a close loved one, shattered family trust, cancer diagnosis in a spouse, etc., etc., etc. I coped by prayer, thinking positively, focusing introspectively, and facing each day hour by hour much of the time.
Yes, 2020 proved to be a tumultuous year for us all. What started with a pandemic exploded into the most divisively destructive cancel culture ever seen.
We are changed by it, most assuredly. I am no exception. As with all things, I try to seek the positive fallout. What have we learned? How have we grown? What can we now do better? What improved vision do we vow to employ going forward. If we look closely, there may well be some silver linings in the storm.
For example, I slipped away from social media… and survived. We learned to appreciate good health as we crawl through the quagmire of treatments and recovery in my husband’s cancer toward a good prognosis. I note that I am blessed with a healthy 91-year-old mother. I grew closer to my sister who lives thousands of miles away. Our first grandchild and great nephew were born, along with lots of other friends’ babies. More babies than ever before are getting the previously rare experience of babyhood with two parents at home and available to share the magical miracles of helping their babies grow. I took time to finish writing my first novel, which I had started more than ten years ago. I learned to cook some new foods. I appreciated the blessing of living in a beautiful setting with an abundance of marvelous nature and beauty. The list goes on and on!
I also learned a great way to deal with hideous negativity. Try, if you like, to point out a way the negative person can do better, but have zero expectations that they will actually see things differently. Despite current wanna-be “woke” thinking to the contrary, differing opinions make us smarter people and a healthier society. Beware of all who want to “cancel” someone for believing differently. There truly is more than one “right” way to get things done. Always remember, only weak people and unhealthy leaders try to squash dissention. If someone’s attitude proves to be unbearable, don’t let your positivity be thwarted. Simply hit flush. Let it go. You do not have to join their negative thinking.
All in all, in these past 15-16 months, our comfortable complacency cracked. For better or worse, we’ve tumbled out anew. Let this be a good thing.
I toast to your safety, happiness, and improved coping skills! “Here’s looking at you, kid!”