Locate an Old Friend Day

Hmmmm…. In our hectic, day-to-day lives, it becomes far too simple to lose track of people from our pasts. And yet, our hearts are warmed when someone from whom we have not heard in a long time suddenly appears or we hear about something they are doing. Why not take a few minutes and reach out to some childhood chum or a lost high school friend. We may not know where they may have moved or what they are doing, but social media provides lots of avenues to search. Bring a smile to your heart and someone else’s by locating a lost friend and simply saying, “Hi!”

(Photo by Tran Anh)

About Cathy Burnham Martin

Author of 20+ books, and counting! A professional voice-over artist, dedicated foodie, and lifelong corporate communications geek, Cathy Burnham Martin has enjoyed a highly eclectic career, ranging from the arts and journalism to finance, telecommunications, and publishing. Along with her husband, Ron Martin, she has passions for entertaining, gardening, volunteering, active and visual arts, GREAT food, and traveling. Cathy often says, "I believe that we all should live with as much contagious enthusiasm as possible... Whether we're with friends or family, taking people along for the ride is more than half the fun."
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