In 1984 President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the 3rd Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day. He cited ice cream as the “perfect dessert and snack food.”
Since his passion for jellybeans… specifically Jelly Belly jellybeans… was openly touted, I couldn’t help but wonder if a jellybean ice cream would be good (or just crazy sweet). I have never made ice cream with jellybeans, but I was laughing when I saw how many such recipes exist online. (In case you simply must indulge, I share a link to one with you here: )
Usually, the closest thing I have seen is to see mini jellybeans offered as “sprinkle” topping extras. Still, I could not help but picture President Reagan gobbling up jellybean ice cream. Since his favorite Jelly Belly flavor was licorice, I figured a Black Licorice Ice Cream must exist. OMG! Yes, it does. So, if you are a fan of the sweet, bitter, salty & sour twangs in licorice, go for it! If not, choose your favorite flavor. My fave in recent years is any spin on the Almond Joy bar, but my all-time favorite ice cream has no rival for my tastebuds. My Dad made the very best true Lemon Ice Cream in the old-time ice cream maker. The Common Man’s walk-up ice cream window at the Town Docks in Meredith, New Hampshire comes close enough to make me smile!!!