National Popcorn Day!

I love popcorn. Favorite memories seem to often go hand-in-hand with popcorn. I remember sitting at the bonfires on Lake Newfound as a kid, as my Dad popped corn in a big, square, metal pan. We popped corn for every skating party and movie night. I still pop corn several times a week, and I have been known to enjoy it for breakfast, too.

Something I did not previously know: In Old English, the word “corn” means “grain.” Specifically, it referred to a region’s most prominently grown grain. Thus, when Native Americans introduced their most common grain, maize, the European settlers, naturally applied their word… “corn.”

Aztecs used popcorn in ceremonial headdresses to honor their god of maize and fertility. Early Spanish settlers had never before seen this corn that burst into white floral shapes.

In the late 1800s, Louise Ruckheim added peanuts and molasses to popcorn. The much beloved Cracker Jacks were born.

Whether you like it plain, sweet, drizzled in dark chocolate, sprinkled with cheese, caramelized, or simply buttered and salted, celebrate today with some popcorn! Make it a movie night, or enjoy it for breakfast… today or any day!

About Cathy Burnham Martin

Author of 20+ books, and counting! A professional voice-over artist, dedicated foodie, and lifelong corporate communications geek, Cathy Burnham Martin has enjoyed a highly eclectic career, ranging from the arts and journalism to finance, telecommunications, and publishing. Along with her husband, Ron Martin, she has passions for entertaining, gardening, volunteering, active and visual arts, GREAT food, and traveling. Cathy often says, "I believe that we all should live with as much contagious enthusiasm as possible... Whether we're with friends or family, taking people along for the ride is more than half the fun."
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