To Victory!

“Where there is unity there is always victory.”

— Publilius Syrus (85 BC – 43 BC)
Latin writer, brought as a slave to Roman Italy

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American Eagle Day

When we see an eagle in flight, we stop whatever we are doing and simply watch. Our most recognizable national symbol, eagles remain mesmerizing.



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Yes, You Can!

“Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.”

— Tori Amos (born Myra Ellen Amos) (1963 – )
American singer-songwriter

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National Go Fishing Day

God: “Hi Noah, been out in the Ark lately?”
Noah: “Yes, went out for a bit of fishing yesterday”
God: “Any good?”
Noah: “No, I couldn’t stay out long, I only had two worms…”


If you have any good fish puns, please let minnow.

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Light Up Your Thoughts!


“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.”

— Plutarch (46-120AD)
Greek philosopher & historian

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Happy Father’s Day!

Dad, Mom, Deborah, Cathy, and Jim in 1958


“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.”

Jim Valvano (1946 – 1993)
American basketball player, coach, and broadcaster




Cathy, Dad, Mom, Deborah, and Jim in 1984


I was mightily blessed with a fabulous father. He and Mom enjoyed over 70 years together, and Dad always set an extraordinary example of great parenting.

Happy Father’s Day to all the fabulous fathers!

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Ignorant Bluster


“Ignorant people are sure of the causes of everything.”

— James Thorpe (1887 – 1953)
American athlete & Olympic gold medalist

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Age Youthfully


“A man is not old until his regrets take the place of dreams.”

— Yiddish proverb

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Stay Fit, Guys!

During National Men’s Health Week, take a little time to raise awareness and encourage men to seek help. Life gets crazy, and it’s easy to ignore little signs, but early detection and treatment are vital. We know! That saved Sir Ronald’s life 3½ years ago when he immediately addressed a sudden, but odd feeling when he tried to swallow.

Seeking regular medical advice is worthy along with regular check-ups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Certainly, this is good for all of us, but as we approach Father’s Day, let’s focus on the men and boys in our lives… both the ones we love and the ones who drive us crazy. (And yet, I repeat myself.) 😊



Focus on your health, gentlemen, and stick around to color our worlds for a long time yet to come.

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Flag Waving

This week, National Flag Week in the USA, is a time to pause and recognize the greatness of this nation and its people. The 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies, and the 50 stars represent the 50 states. The color red stands for valor and bravery. The white stands for purity and innocence. The blue stands for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. Our flag represents all our people and all our political ideologies.

There are some who would scoff and shriek that our flag should not be celebrated. Thankfully, there are many more who understand, appreciate, and respect the dedication, hard work, and sacrifices that have built and defended our rights to live as free Americans. Despite the blatantly negative political climate and pervasively ongoing divisiveness, I am still a believer in this little American experiment in democracy.

While some Americans fear our best years are behind us, far more are unwilling to simply give up and give in to the status quo. These are the courageous. These are the patriots. These are the often-everyday heroes… those who are willing to stand up in the face of threats, lies, and social injustice to call on us all to do better… together.

Millions continue to flock here, not because we are falling, but because hope still lives here, despite our drastic imperfections. Even in our toughest times, freedom shines more brightly here than in many other nations’ best days, never mind current times of struggle. Though I hold the highest respect for those who have made the sacrifices necessary to come here legally and put in the work to become US citizens, I also understand the plight of the millions who desperately scramble to enter illegally. However, sympathizing does not mean their pathway should be hastened nor smoothed.

We are a nation fully built by wave after wave of immigrants. People hoping for a chance or an opportunity. People seeking a hand-up, not a handout. When we listen to the words of immigrants, we learn that when they earn the right to become citizens, they will proudly vote for the ideals that make us strong. Permitted to think and act freely, they will shock naysayers and defiantly vote against anything that even smacks of socialism. They will vote to reduce the powers of government and to preserve sanity in our constitutional republic, rather than fall in line with alarmists who point at patriots as democracy destroyers.

Immigrants have often escaped from nations that standardly weaponized judicial systems, canceled freedoms of expression, and rigged opportunities to feather their own nests. These are people who rightfully abhor powers that manipulate and force people into whatever convenient “boxes” the leaders choose to keep people dependent upon the very government that restricts them. These are people who believe in America and are proud to be here, even if all they have is the clothing on their backs. We are these people.

What made our nation strong were overwhelming beliefs in God, family, community, and work ethic. Neighbors helped neighbors, but we shunned government handouts like the plague. We may have had no money and often no country to which to return, but we refused to surrender our dignity, passion, and belief in positive possibilities for the next generations that will follow us.

We learn to gratefully celebrate what makes this nation the historically amazing country it is.  We rightfully cherish our citizenship and never take lightly the citizenship process nor its responsibilities. We respect others’ right to agree or disagree with our beliefs, just as our Founding Fathers did with each other, as they stood together strongly and proudly for what was right.

We believe in America. We come here to be Americans. We are proud to be Americans, even before we earn our American citizenship. We are rightfully leery of democracy destroyers who point accusatory fingers at democracy defenders. We thank our veterans, first responders, and all who have sacrificed and all who continue to sacrifice in the name of freedom and liberty. We honor our flag and all that the “Red, White and Blue” represents. May we all have a thoughtful and proud National Flag Week.

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Making Life Beautiful

June 11th is National Making Life Beautiful Day. This is a day to celebrate people who make life beautiful by building relationships or helping others achieve success. This is also an opportunity to put a smile on someone’s face.


“If we’re not meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?”— Unknown

“Always remember that you are unique – just like everybody else.”      — Unknown

However, some days it’s not as easy as others to smile at ourselves, never mind laugh. Maybe you could use a little boost of encouragement today. So, here are some words of wisdom from tennis great, Serena Williams.

“A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.”

— Serena Williams (1981 – )
American Champion tennis player

Try to have a beautiful day by making it a bit more beautiful for someone else.


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“It is better to be faithful than famous.”

— Theodore Roosevelt (1858 – 1919)
26th U.S. President

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Play Time!

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”
— George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Irish playwight

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“The most beautiful people wear their hearts on their sleeves and their souls in their smiles.”

— Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius) (83BC – 30BC)

Roman politician & general under Julius Caesar

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Ahhhh, Compassion

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

— Dalai Lama (1935 – )
14th Buddhist spiritual leader

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See the Beauty


“I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.”

— Anne Frank (1929 – 1945) Celebrated German-born Jewish diarist,
noted for documenting life in hiding from the Nazis with her family in an Amsterdam attic

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National Cheese Day

For National Cheese Day, you can celebrate with your favorite cheese and crackers or a charcuterie board, or a great grilled cheese sandwich.

I will also suggest a terrifically tasty Roasted Cream Cheese. (Yup… BBQ grill or oven.) You can serve it up in soooo many ways, you will love this for the summer and beyond.



Roasted Cream Cheese
1 pkg cream cheese
Olive oil spray or melted bacon renderings
Favorite BBQ dry rub seasoning

Open the cream cheese block, keeping it on the foil wrapper. Spray oil (or brush bacon fat) on top and all 4 side edges. Then liberally sprinkle the seasoning over the fat. Use the foil wrapper to invert the cheese, seasoned side down, onto an oil/fat coated spot in an oven- or grill-safe container (such as a pie plate). Use a sharp knife to cut ½“-deep, angled slices across the top. Turn the pan a bit and cut another row of slices, creating a crisscross pattern. Spray or brush oil or bacon fat on the cut side of the cheese and liberally sprinkle with BBQ seasoning. Bake in 275°F oven (or closed grill) for 30-45 minutes.

Use this as a base for a fabulous bacon-caramelized onion jam, or drizzle it with a favorite Thai sweet chili sauce or a hot sauce, or simply serve it as is with crackers, warmed Naan dippers, or anything else! You can also totally mix this up by replacing BBQ seasoning with blends that deliver a totally different taste treat…. Try an Italian herb blend, or Asian spiced sea salt, or Everything Bagel Seasoning. Ooh-la-la! You can also garnish the roasted cheese with toppings that work with your seasoning, such as warmed marinara for your Italian herb blend. Another treat is a favorite chutney and a generous sprinkling of crumbled, cooked bacon. The options are endless!

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Steak Out!


June is National Steakhouse Month… ooh-la-la!





I can taste a perfect steak right now. Bits of crispy yumminess on the outside and tantalizingly tasty succulence inside. Little is more mouthwatering than the intoxicating aromas that waft from the sizzling steaks on a great steakhouse grill.

For the very best flavor, texture, and healthy beef, choose your favorite place that serves top quality, grass-fed, hormone- and antibiotic-free steaks. Welcome to summer… a perfect time to celebrate the art of the great steak!

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Ahhh, Truth!

“The trouble with too many people is they believe the realm of truth always lies within their vision.”

— Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
American statesman; 16th President 1861-65; assassinated following Civil War


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Dress Pretty


June 1 is National Wear a Dress Day… to celebrate wearing dresses. Be sassy, sophisticated, or silly. Of course, some people wear them better than others. My hubby has perfect legs for skirts, so when he chose to dress as Minnie Mouse to me as Mickey, I had no problem making him a snazzy little red and white polka-dot number, with shoes, pantaloons, and a petticoat to match.




Hmmm… Whatever your reason, skip the jeans today and go for lovely.

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Image by Jorge Vasconez


“Do not despair when the sun sets with sadness, for each new dawn delivers defiant radiance, even when the sun shrouds herself in clouds.”

— Cathy Burnham Martin (1954 – )
Author: “The Bimbo Has Brains… and Other Freaky Facts” 2017

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Philosophers and Kings

“There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands.”

–Plato (427-348 BC)
Greek philosopher

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Live Well

Image by John Hain



“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”

— Robert Byrne (1930 – 2016)
American author

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Truth Beyond Opinion

“Not the violent conflict between parts of the truth, but the quiet suppression of half of it, is the formidable evil. There is always hope when people are forced to listen to both sides; it is when they attend to only one that errors harden prejudices, and truth itself ceases.”

— John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)
Naturalist & English language philosopher
Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom

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Honor the Fallen


“Heroes never die. They live in the hearts and minds of those who would follow in their footsteps.”

— Emily Potter (1975 – )
Australian author & professor



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“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

— Joseph Stalin (1878 – 1953)
Soviet politician and revolutionary; former Premier of the Soviet Union

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National Wine Day

For me, a glass of pinot grigio on ice with some raspberries. Oh, and a side of fresh, salty chips. Ahhh… perfectly balanced “meal.”   LOL! Need I say more?

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National Asparagus Day


For those who love fresh veggies, fresh from-the-garden asparagus is a perfectly splendid Spring delight.






Asparagus spears serve as a beautiful accompaniment to meats and fish.




They are also delightful in a stir-fry with other veggies or a protein such as shrimp or poultry.



Or… one of my favorites… wrap them in bacon and crisp them up on the grill for a splendid appetizer.

For National Asparagus Day, I share my recipe for Souper Simple Asparagus Soup. Enjoy both the strained “fancified” version or the heartier cheesy variation.

Souper Simple Asparagus Soup
1 sweet onion, peeled & chopped
2 T butter
1 lg bundle fresh asparagus spears, cut small
2 c chicken bone broth or stock
Salt & white pepper, to suit your taste
¼ c half-and-half or heavy whipping cream
Sauté onion in the butter for a few minutes over med heat, just till it softens but does not change color. Stir in the asparagus; cook and stir for 3-4 more minutes. Add the stock and bring to a boil; reduce heat to simmer and let cook another 10 minutes. Blend (immersion or covered container) till smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Blend in the cream. Serve, garnished with a few asparagus cuts or tips. Makes 4 servings.

 KISS Tips: For an elegantly smooth texture, you can pass the soup through a sieve before serving. Or, if you enjoy cheese, add up to 1 c shredded Muenster, Monterey Jack, or other melty cheese just before adding the cream. Add some hearty croutons to your garnishes.

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Love and Forgiveness

Image by Scott Broome

“When women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues.”

— Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850)
French novelist & playwright

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Kindness Counts

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.”

— Lucius Annaeus Seneca aka Seneca the Younger (c 4BC – 65AD)
Iberian Peninsula-born Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome

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National Memo Day

Image by Chris Curry


Note to self:

Choose to be better and do better every day… today, tomorrow, forever.

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Do Not Despair

“In all things it is better to hope than to despair.”

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
German poet, playwright, & novelist

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Why Not?

“The next time you’re in a meeting, look around and identify the yes-butters and the why-notters. The why-notters move the world.”

— Louise Randall Pierson (1890 – 1969)
American author

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Stay Strong


“A strong mind always hopes and always has cause to hope.”

— Polybius (c200 – c118 BC)
Greek historian of middle Hellenistic period

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National Pack Rat Day

Do you tend to hoard or collect or squirrel away some unneeded items? I do… particularly old photos, letters, scrapbook items, and family mementos. Today is our day… National Pack Rat Day… Or we could flip it around to National Rat Pack Day and save items that reflect Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr, and Dean Martin. Just sayin’.

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“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

— Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
Indian lawyer, spiritual & political leader, and nonviolent resistance advocate

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International Family Day

As I learned in Hawaii, where my sister has lived for the past 24 years, Ohana is the family you live with, and Ohana is the family you choose. For International Family Day, I thank you for being my family… my Ohana. You appreciate my efforts, you forgive my faux pas, and you love me through it all.

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Image by Steve Leisher


“I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness.”

— Christopher Hitchens (1949 – 2011)
British-American author

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Things that make you say, “Hmmmmm…”

Image by Maxim Hopman

Jefferson’s “Commonplace Book” 1774-1776:

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms.. Disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve to encourage rather than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

— Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
American statesman; 3rd US President: 1801-09; wrote Declaration of Independence

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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and those who love and care as mothers.

“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.”

— Amit Kalantri (1988 – )
Indian mentalist, magician, and author; from “Wealth of Words”

I am blessed with an absolutely marvelous mother and immeasurably blessed to have her still with us and healthy as she approaches age 94 next month. My sister Deborah took this picture as Mom was enjoying a lobster roll at the Lucky Lobster in Dunedin, Florida in celebration of Mother’s Day. May she enjoy making lovely memories for many more years. Thank you, Mom, for being the very best.

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