Category Archives: So Silly!

Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Yo ho ho! ‘Tis the day to add some swagger to yer step and an “aaaarrrrr-some” growl to your tone as we hail, “Ahoy, mateys!” Whether we be scallywags or seadogs, we know that “shiver me timbers” and a Jolly … Continue reading

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National Tell a Joke Day

Smile, laugh, scoff, or awwww… but tell a joke… or two.   A man went into a seafood restaurant and asked for a lobster tail. The waitress smiled sweetly and said, “Once upon a time there was this handsome lobster…” … Continue reading

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National Vinyl Record Day

This date was chosen as it commemorates the date on which Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877. It’s funny how what’s old is new again. Vinyl records are back. After nearly vanishing in the early 1990s, vinyl records outsold … Continue reading

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National Presidential Joke Day

There are countless jokes told about every single U.S. President, but even Presidents can be funny, too. As guests consumed a rather hearty amount of alcohol at the 1974 Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association dinner, Gerald Ford delivered a beauty. … Continue reading

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National Stick Out Your Tongue Day

Raspberries!!! Rude or sassy, playful or perky, today is the official day for celebrating our human act of sticking out our tongue. Perhaps it’s just to score a taste of that choice dill pickle from your plate, as our granddaughter, … Continue reading

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Happiness Flutters

“Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 – 1864) American novelist (Photo by Frank Winkler)

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World UFO Day

Ah, yes…. On this day in 1947, the great Roswell incident took place. We are left with a question… to classify or declassify? (Photo by Michael Herren)

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Please Step Out of the Vehicle!

Let’s end the month with a bit of levity, with a nod of apology to all my friends who have served in law enforcement. This story so fondly reminds me of my dear mother-in-law, I simply had to share it. … Continue reading

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